Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cole is growing!!

Hey everybody I just wanted to show you some new pics of Cole. He kept trying to hide his face, but eventually we did get these. Everything is doing well with my blood pressure and Cole weighs over 3 pounds now!!! Talk to you later!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Just an update!!

I know that it has been awhile since I have blogged so I thought I would update. Its reall hard to blog when you are doing a whole lot of NOTHING!!!! I have been doing much better and my doctor has been letting me do a few things and keep my kids a little more, which makes me really happy. It does seem like everytime I think that I am doing great I go and do a little to much and my blood pressure goes up so I am trying to keep myself low key, which is really hard this time of year. For those of you that know me well I love to SHOP and this is the time to do it and it is driving me insane!!!! My belly is growing by the minute and as hard as I tried I just couldn't get a cute pic of me pregnant (we can't all look like Crissy when she is pregnant) so I just put up the bad one so you can see my progress. Thats is for now!!!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Buzz and my little Fairy!!!

Our Halloween this year didn't go as we had planned, we hated missing the fall festival, but with the help of my brother my kids were still able to go out and have a little fun. We or trying to have the kids still be able to do some fun things every now and then. It is harder with me having to be at home and Dutch having to be here to help me, but they had alot of fun that night. I just wanted to share some pics.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Just laying around!!!!!!!!!

For those of you that don't know I have been put on bed rest due to pre-eclampsia. That means I have dangerously high pregnancy induced blood pressure which can cause a lack of oxygen for the baby and raise the risk of seizures and strokes for myself. Let me tell you bed rest does not sound as restful as it seems, laying in bed all day and only getting up to go to the bathroom gets old really quick. I really appreciate all of my friends that or bringing meals!!! Dutch is doing everything right now laundry, kid running, house cleaning, and all mommy stuff in general and the dinners you guys bring or a huge help to us!! Tonight I had to lay on the couch and watch Dutch fold clothes in between baking cookies for Connors Halloween party at school tomorrow, I felt so sorry for him he is so out of his element, but he never complains. I ask you all to keep us in your prayers I really need to make it another twelve weeks at least. Hopefully I will be able to stay at home and not be hospitalized again it is really hard to be away from my children so much right now since they or having to stay with Dutch's mom during the day, but at least I see them in the evenings. Just pray to give me strength and patients it is a very hard position to be in. I want to protect Cole and myself but I don't want Connor and Kahlan to feel like I am absent from them. I am rambling on I have felt a lack of communication lately being by myself. Thank you again for everything you or doing I am blessed with amazing friends!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

My Little Beauty Queen

This weekend Kahlan was in a Beauty Pageant, and we both had alot of fun. Since I have discovered she will be my only little girl I want to take advantage and do little girl stuff with her. She really did do well. She one Division princess and the photogentic award (pics taken by our very own Michelle Jenkins). Kahlan's favorite part was wearing her Cinderella dress as she calls it. I was somewhat worried she would eaither get on stage and be shy or have attitude luckily she did neither, and the judges were fooled. We had fun so I just wanted to share some pics!!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

And the name is.....

Yes a name has finally been decided on and the name of our new little boy is
Cole Wilson Johnson!!!!!!
We or really happy with it and I appreciate all the advice we recieved. I will tell you one thing this is the most active of all of the babies I have carried. There is something so personal about a baby kicking inside your belly. It is something between the two of you. Connor and Kahlan have been moved into the same room to prepare for the baby, and surprisingly they love sharing a room. It has been really busy with Connor being in school and me being in school and redoing parts of the house to prepare, but it is also the most exciting time as well!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Baby Names & Toy boxes!!!!!

Okay so we appreciated all of you comments (no matter what they said), and we hear you loud and clear (OUR NAMES SUCK!!!!!!!). They have lost there appeal to us as well, probably because everyone hated them, but moving on!! We really would like to pick a name soon so here is the new list. We think there could definatly be a winner in the bunch!! Oh, by the way the middle name is Wilson, I know not very cute but it is a family name were passing down. So here they are!!!

1.) Blake

2.) Jack

3.) Cole

4.) Colin

5.) Logan

oh the pics above or the toy box my husband just finished for the kids. I was so impressed with how good a job he did, and as you can see the kids love it!!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What will the name be?????????

So we finally found out we or having a little boy!!! I must admit I was pretty surprised, I had myself convinced it was a girl, but I am very happy with my little boy! Dutch of course is thrilled (you know dads and there boys)!! The question is now, "What will be his name???" That is where you come in. We have made a list of names we both really like and we or looking for some advice, so check out the names and be sure and leave a vote for your favorite. If you hate them all pick the one you hate the least!! I can't wait to see what the winner is, so here we go!!

1.) Bowen
2.) Abram VOTE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3.) River
4.) Bolden
5.) Rowan

Thursday, August 23, 2007

My new little ???

Here is a pic of my new little one. We don't know what it is right now. Just looks like a big head on a little body, but I wanted to share it with all of you. I will go back to the doctor on Sep. 19th and I will be 17 weeks then and they will do an ultrasound to hopefully find out the sex. We will be happy no matter what, but I think its a girl, Dutch thinks its a boy, and Connor does not even want to hear about having another sister. Anyway, four more weeks of patience!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


We had the Bairds over for hamburgers, and to let the kids play in the water. They also decided to roll on the ground and get really dirty so we threw them in the tub and wow that was a full tub. All I could think was I am about to have my third. If I have one more that is what my tub would always look like. Looks exhausting to me, but they had a great time though.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Ready to defend!!!

Connor has been a little rough on Kahlan lately. He has started hitting her when she has something he wants and so forth, I am hoping it is just a phaze. The other night I went in to make sure Kahlan was covered up in bed and I found the above picture. I called Dutch in to look and take a pic. All we could think is Kahlan is ready for connor to try something. It was kind of funny!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My Husband and I just returned from a four day vacation in Hot Springs. We went with friends of ours, Keith and Amy, and we went with NO KIDS!! It is nice every now in then to be alone with my hubby without kids running everywhere demanding our attention. When I do get time alone with Dutch it is almost like it hits me, "Oh yeah this is what it was like before kids." Everyone reading this knows I love my kids, but everyone also knows how nice it is to get a break. It helps that I happen to have a wonderful husband that I love getting to myself whenever I can. He gets to play husband first instead of Daddy and he is great at both roles!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

It Is True!!

Yes it is true we have baby number three on the way. We are both so excited and so happy to have a church family to share this with. I have had some medical problems with past pregnancy's as some of you know, so please keep us in you prayers. We will hopefully have a completely healthy normal pregnancy this go around. So I am trying to prepare myself to start peeing all the time again and of course the sickness, but I am also preparing to love every minute of it!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Who says slipping and sliding is for kids?

We just couldn't help it the kids looked like they were having so much fun so we thought why not!!!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

There is this and then there is this!!!

My little girl has always been so sweet and easy going and she still is alot of the time, but like most children she is going through a change right now and I don't know if I like it. Attitude is just about all she is throwing out right now. I had to spank her yesterday because she did not mind me after already receiving a warning. When I did spank her she came up to me and put her finger in my face and told me, "Mommy you don't spank me!!" These or comments that she is coming out with more and more often. I tell myself that all children go through personality changes, but I can't help but to want my little angel a little more often than the alternative.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Connors room in progress

Connor new room is in progress. It is not done, but its getting there. Connor is so excited about spiderman everywhere and we bought new spiderman red bunk beds, Which I am still looking for a full size mattress for the bottom half so if someone knows a decently priced one let me know. The above pic Destiny came over and painted yesterday. I am really happy with how it is turning out. Well I will let you know how it ends up!!!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Why is it always my kid??

OK I am really starting to feel like my kid is the only one who does this kind of stuff or maybe I am just sharing to many of these stories. These or pics of my sons walls after he snuck colors into his room. When I asked him why he did this he said,"I was making it pretty". I was really upset luckily I am getting ready to paint his room. My kid is so sneaky. A.J. had been here playing with him earlier and I thought that maybe they had both done it, but when I asked him if he and A.J. had done this it went something like this:
Me:Did you and A.J. do this?
Connor: No not A.J.
Me: Just you did this
Connor: Yes not A.J. I wanted to make it pretty.
Well atleast he's honest.

Monday, March 26, 2007

No More Crying!!

I thought I would share a good cooking tip because I know that most everyone hates having to cut onions because they make you cry and your eyes burn. Well the next time you have to cut one just get a candle and lite it right next to where you or cutting. The fumes from the fire eats up the juice that makes you cry from the onion. So you no longer have to fear the dredded onion!!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Two ways to do everything!!!

Connor has discovered the comment, "He hurt my feelings" and he has also discovered its a great way to get some quality loving. Its hard to resist when you have to tell your kid No about something and then he looks at you and lets his little mouth drop into a frown and says, "Mommy, you hurt my feelings." On the other hand Kahlan has chose to take a different approach which is to just ooze attitude and have her be the one telling me No, which just doesn't have the same effects as her brothers way. I am just assuming Connor hasn't taught his sister the tricks yet. In fact I can almost swear sometimes when he sees Kahlan shake her finger at me and tell me No or do the Kahlan eye roll (Michelle knows about that) I see him sitting back with a bit of a grin in anticipation of the scolding to come. Kids!!!

Friday, March 2, 2007

A childs knowledge

Dutch was putting Connor in bed one night and he was reading him The Garden of Eden story out of his children's bible stories book, and when the word sin came up dutch asked Connor if he knew what sin was, and Connor looked at dutch and said, "daddy sin is evil." We had no idea that Connor even knew what evil was. Were guessing that he learned it in Sunday school. I was really impressed. Its amazing what a child absorbs!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Poo Poo Face!!

Connor is now potty trained and now we turn our focus to getting him to wipe his own hinny after he poo poos. I though it shouldn't be to hard he learned pretty quick when we give him a paper towel he needs to wash his face. Well Dutch brought Connor to potty and I heard him say from the living room, "here Connor now wipe your own butt" and then I here good job, WAIT don't do that" followed by, "Connor that's disgusting you don't do that ever." Dutch comes in after everything is done and sits down on the couch with me looking genuinely upset. When I ask him what happened he says, When I gave him toilet paper to wipe his butt he wiped it but then he wiped his face with the same toilet paper." That was a pretty gross one. I thought we may need to make sure he understands that every time we give him something like a napkin its not always to wipe his face. They do have other purposes!!!

Friday, February 16, 2007

My Cuties

I just wanted to take a minute and give props to Michelle. She took these awesome pics of my kids, and I just wanted to share a couple of my favs!!! If you can find the time set up an appointment because she is great!!

It's done!!!

I wrote awhile back about some remodeling Dutch and I were doing. New carpet, bathroom flooring, light fixtures things like that, and I have been meaning to get some pics up of the stuff actually done. So after reading books and a little trial and error here they or. I thought that I would be really happy, and I am but I realized that all it did was make room for another list. I guess we will be happy with everything eventually. Probably right before we sell it.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Princess Kahlan

Kahlan was given some dressup clothes for christmas and she just loves them. What is it with little girls and dressup clothes. The minute she puts them on she spins around and thinks she is a princess, but I guess a crown has that effect on any girl no matter the age.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Where's my daddy??

Some of you know that Dutch is taking class two nights a week that he goes to straight from work. So Tues. and Thur. the kids donot see Dutch at all, and Connor is really not liking the new schedule. It seems as though he knows when it is going to be one of those days that he does not see his Daddy. This past Thursday he came to me and said, "Can we call daddy" and I said yes why?? and he said, " I miss him, I want him to come home." Then yesterday Connor woke up before Dutch left for work and came and climbed in bed with us. He hugged his daddy and said,"Daddy you stay in the house." I feel bad he is having a hard time not seeing him everyday. I can't imagine what military families deal with. Its hard to see your children sad like that.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Mommy hers is missing!!

All of us that have children of two different sexes have probably at some point dealt with one or both of them wondering why they have something different than their sibling. Well lately when Connor has thought he needed something he says we need to go to that specific store. Need a new toy, "Mommy we need to go to the toy store. Want new underwear "Mommy we need to go to the underwear store." The other day Dutch was wearing a tie so Connor said he needed to go to the tie store. While I was giving Connor and kahlan a bath the other night Connor had a concerned look on his face while looking at Kahlans private area. I tried to give him a toy and distract him, but he just looked up at me and said, "Mommy sissy needs to go to the peder store she lost hers!" I laughed so hard. He was genuinely concerned about her. Perhaps it could already be time to start doing separate baths!

Monday, January 22, 2007

The dreaded Red Pepper incident!!

You know how sometimes your kids do stuff that you feel like you should have seen or been there to stop, and since you didn't you get that I am a bad mother feeling. Well I just had one of those. Dutch, me and the kids were at dutch's parents house. We visited then we went home. We were home about five minutes when I here Connor screaming and not one of those regular upset screams, this was a painful scream. I ran back to him and he had some sort of red dust all over his shirt and paints. I went to wash him off not really knowing what it is. I was just trying to clean him off because he was screaming histarically and now his face and eyes or turning red. Dutch goes back to his room to try and figure out what it is and then runs into the bathroom saying, "Strip him and get him in the tub and wash his eyes because he is covered in red pepper" and as I start trying to strip him as he is crying just being near him my eyes start burning. I had him in the tub for twenty minutes trying to calm him down by keeping cold water on his eyes. It was horrible I kept asking Dutch, "how did this happen??" Afterwards we figure out by talking to Dutch's mother that it was her red pepper shaker that connor had to of taken put in his pocket and brought home (his pocket was full of red pepper as well). I just felt so stupid. How did I miss that!! Luckily he seems fine, but it is hard to see your baby in pain.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Why do we keep doing this to ourselves!!!

Not that it is surprising to those of you that know me, but me and Dutch or remodeling right now, with most of the focus being on our bedroom. We just finished laying new flooring in our hall bath. So for the first time in a while I have two working bathrooms, and now we have decided to lay new carpet in our bedroom, and when I say we I mean me and Dutch or doing it. We or kind of those people that never hire people to do stuff, instead we just buy a book and go for it. Though sometimes it is more difficult than it seems. We did spend five hours last night hanging one celing fan!! Everytime we start something and I have my life turned upside down with tools and equipment and ofcourse stress I always find myself asking,"Why do we keep doing this to ourselves!" Well I will let you know how it goes!!

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

The joys of christmas

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. It was for me. The kids had the normal rush for presents filled with more toys to clutter my house, but they love it. I don't know how many Christmas's you guys attend every year, but I come from a divorced family and now I have in laws as well, so it is something like a never ending marathon! Don't get me wrong I love seeing everyone, but I kind of feel like I need a vacation when Christmas is over. I must say though that I am blessed with a wonderful family that does actually put emphasis on what Christmas is really about, and that does make me happy. Anyway, I just wanted to say that 2006 was a great year for Dutch and I. One of the reasons I believe it was so great is because this year we joined Eastwood and a wonderful group of people were brought into our lives. So I just wanted to say thank you for being you, and bringing my family and myself alot of happiness.