OK I am really starting to feel like my kid is the only one who does this kind of stuff or maybe I am just sharing to many of these stories. These or pics of my sons walls after he snuck colors into his room. When I asked him why he did this he said,"I was making it pretty". I was really upset luckily I am getting ready to paint his room. My kid is so sneaky. A.J. had been here playing with him earlier and I thought that maybe they had both done it, but when I asked him if he and A.J. had done this it went something like this:
Me:Did you and A.J. do this?
Connor: No not A.J.
Me: Just you did this
Connor: Yes not A.J. I wanted to make it pretty.
Well atleast he's honest.
It's not always your kid. For me, I just try and keep the funny stuff written down and try and quickly forget the rest. I do think the coloring on the wall was funny and think about what a creative adult he will probably be.
Well, I can't say my kids have done that...Alli has pretty much kept the coloring to paper and all, and as for Landon he just eats every type of art thing, anything really it all goes in his mouth. Now as for coloring on the walls? Heck, lets just say the couch, Landon, a couple shirts, and a television, well that has all happened just not by my kids, but since I'm nice I won't mention who's kids, wink wink. I really hope she will laugh instead of ignore me for a week when she reads this too.
The look on his face in that picture is just priceless! Ethan was looking over my shoulder while I was looking at your post and wanted to know what those pictures where of. I told him that Connor drew on the wall and he said, "Connor is just like David!" Ethan has a book called "No,David" where this little boy is always doing things like drawing on the wall and his mom is always saying "no David".Anyway, he will outgrow doing these things, Autumn so think of all the great memories he is making! :)
Dalton has done this - could anyone have guessed that??? He colored on the wall, on his bed, & on our TV. That was probably about a year ago, and he seems to have learned his lesson. We ended up painting over the coloring on his wall & bed. Wish I had some great advice for you, but I don't think there's a quick fix for this one :(
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