Saturday, August 16, 2008

Attention everyone!

I thought I would share a little story with everyone involving my wonderful but mischievous son, Connor! Friday we went to see a friend of mine in the hospital that just had a baby. After the visit me and the kids were heading down the hall of the hospital on our way out, and I turned my head for a second to talk to kahlan and connor pulls the fire alarm. I tell you right now it was insane in like one second. All doors automatically shut, lights start blinking, sirens are going off, nurses and doctors are all meeting at the desk to prepare for whatever it is they are suppose to be doing, and Connor is looking at me with the most afraid look on his face. Of course I was completely mortified! So I called to the nurses to inform them that No the hospital is not burning down it was just my four year old. At the point that they realize that it is a false alarm they starting barking orders to call maintenance, call the fire dept. that is already on its way, and so on. So after I make connor apologize to the nurses and doctors we take our bow with a promise to not visit again anytime soon! So does anyone want to try and top that!


Candy said...

Nope, can't top that story and hope I never can!!! :) ha!! :) I can't believe he did that and can't imagine how embarrased you were! It will be funny, one day. :)

Rachel said...

Awww Autumn...but I bet he'll never do that again..LOL.

Life as Connor and Colby's Mom said...

Social services probably would have been called on me. I think I would have beat my kid senseless!!!! I don't know how you kept it together.

Jen said...

Yikes! I too hope we'll never top that! I bet C was so scared, but I bet he won't do that again!

Autumn...I'm inviting you to my blog.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I have to say I'm with Kristy not to mention I would have to leave the hospital with a Prozac drip!!!

Laura said...

Ours wasn't as dramatic, but Dalton pulled the fire alarm in Brookshires while I was waiting for a prescription. The sad thing is, I didn't actually see him do it, so I didn't realize it was him. I think one of the clerks saw him and said, "It's okay, we have kids do it all the time." Anyway, when we left, I saw the fire truck sitting right outside the door. I had a good talk with Dalton about why we don't do that. Definately not something I will forget!!!!