Thursday, May 13, 2010


Kahlan is my five year old girlie-girl, and I love her for it!! Kahlan started Pre-school this year at T.L. Rhodes. I have been so proud of how well she has adjusted to school. She has been involved in Ballet and soccer this year, but she doesn't seem to care for soccer much. Her response to me when I asked her is she liked soccer after her first practice was an eye roll followed by her looking at me and saying, "I just don't get it"! She loves Ballet and that seems to be her niche. She just finished up her first recital and loved it. Her personality is defiantly a little sassy! Here are some things I love about Kahlan and who she is right now!

- She know what she likes and wants! There is no uncertainty with Kahlan and I love her for that!
- She loves to do anything with me. It doesn't matter if it's laundry or a movie if it's spending time with mom she is happy!
- She is a doer! The one sentence I hear from her everyday is, "Can we go somewhere?" That makes her a girl after my own heart!!
- She is nurturing! I know it's a girl thing, but I love to watch her mother her little brother.

Here are somethings Kahlan has done this year!

She turned FIVE!!! Skating Rink Party!!!

1st day of Preschool!!!

Loves to have fun!!!
Dress as your favorite book Character at school
She picked Cinderella!!

The first night of our 1st annual mother
daughter weekend!!
Kahlan's preschool teacher, Mrs. Perry!

Kahlan's first dance recital!
She danced to,"You are my sunshine"

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