11 Months Old!!!
Well Cole finally started crawling on Dec. 20th! I thought it would never happen. He has defiantly caught up on lost time now because he is all over the place. He has four teeth on the bottom and two teeth on the top (he looks really funny because the two he has on top are his two k-9's). He eats some table food now. He loves mixed veggies, banana's, and pancakes! He is my only child out of the three that said mommy first, Yeah!! He is 21 lbs. and his red hair is starting to curl everywhere, which makes is look a little unruly. He is a real Joy!
Well Cole finally started crawling on Dec. 20th! I thought it would never happen. He has defiantly caught up on lost time now because he is all over the place. He has four teeth on the bottom and two teeth on the top (he looks really funny because the two he has on top are his two k-9's). He eats some table food now. He loves mixed veggies, banana's, and pancakes! He is my only child out of the three that said mommy first, Yeah!! He is 21 lbs. and his red hair is starting to curl everywhere, which makes is look a little unruly. He is a real Joy!
I had my cousin come take some pics of me & Cole together because I feel like I am always behind the camera! Cole & Anderson! We actually didn't plan the outfits!
I think Kahlan is starting to suffer a little middle child syndrome. She doesn't know why Connor gets to go to school and she doesn't, and Cole gets attention for being the baby and I feel like she has been feeling a little out of the loop. So with Connor going back to school I am going to try to spend some time doing some special things with her. It gets hard to find individual time with each child when you have three, but I love spending the time when I get it. So I am open to some suggestions about fun stuff I could do with my little girl!
I had a little mini photo session with my girl! She is so cute!
Connor has been off school for the last couple of weeks, and I will be honest I was preparing myself to go back to fighting and screaming all the time, I was wrong. I overall really enjoyed having Connor at home. He is just obsessed with the computer. He would play games all day if I let him so I have had to start giving him time limits. He continually impresses me with what he figures out on his own. He really is a pretty great kid.
Showing off his LSU sweater he got for Christmas!
Oh gosh, I love the photos you posted, the one with you and the baby is precious, and you look HOT in the one with Kahlan, you hot mama you :) Oh, but, my favorite one was the one with MY kiddo in it :)
I like how you updated on each kid. What a good idea. Cole looks so cute with no shirt on in that picture with you. Love the idea of the photo shoot with Kahlan...she probably liked that, too. As far as girl things to do...do you ever do girl days with her? Maybe just go to Boardwalk and have a girls night, just you and her. Oh, I was prepared for alot of fighting since Hayden was out of school, too. It wasn't too bad until the last few days. I'm glad you had a good Christmas!
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