Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cubscouts, soccer, and end of the year parties!

Connor has shown interest in cub scouts for some time now, and since soccer just ended we thought we would let him give it a try. We just had our first field day with his cub scouts group, and it was a blast. We went to Bodcau and spent the day! It was so nice because they provided all the food and had all the activities planned for the kids! It was really great.

The kids both finished up soccer season as well. Connor loved it, and Kahlan pretty much suffered through it, but here are pics of them with there trophies!

This was really the only time during soccer that Kahlan was

Last but not least the kids have finished there pre-school and 1st grade year! Connor ended the year with another honor roll, I am so proud of him. Kahlan scored great in all of her benchmark test! Both of my kids have made me very proud through out this year!!

Kahlan with her nanna, her teacher Mrs. Perry, and me at her graduation!

Connor at his honor roll ceremony and class party!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I am back!

I know I have missing from the blogging world for sometime now, but I am trying to get back into it. I started blogging to begin with so I would have a refrence to things my kids have done as they have grown, particulary those little things you tend to forget. So the three post after this one are catch up post on each kid. I can't put everything that has happened so I just thought I would do these and just start from now on! So here we go.........


My little baby is getting to be not such a little baby to fast for me!! Now two years old and running everywhere cole is the last of my flock, and I just want him to stay little forever! Cole does everything in his own time and has been that way from the beginning. Slow to do everything, but gets there eventually. He is obsessed with balls! If he has a ball he is happy, and can really impress you with his throwing, kicking, and he is already catching. He still only says momma, but gets what he wants across by using sign language. He is a funny kid that is a joy to just watch! Things I love about my little guy!

- He is very independent. Not only does he prefer you not to help him, he get down right mad if you do!
- He's a mommas boy! He is still in that wonderful stage where he still prefers me over everyone, and I love that!
- He is sharp! Just because he is not talking doesn't mean he isn't smart, and I am amazed daily by what he can do.
- He is all boy! Loves to be rough and tumble with his dad. It's so funny how natural that kind of stuff develops.

Let's look at what Cole has been up to lately!

Cole turned TWO!!! Party at the church!!

Opening a ball at Christmas!!!
His favorite thing!!

Wrestling with his Daddy!!

Watching his favorite show!!!!
Cole loves to color!

and build!!!!!

He has no fear when it comes to animals!

Pretty good at puzzles to!!


Kahlan is my five year old girlie-girl, and I love her for it!! Kahlan started Pre-school this year at T.L. Rhodes. I have been so proud of how well she has adjusted to school. She has been involved in Ballet and soccer this year, but she doesn't seem to care for soccer much. Her response to me when I asked her is she liked soccer after her first practice was an eye roll followed by her looking at me and saying, "I just don't get it"! She loves Ballet and that seems to be her niche. She just finished up her first recital and loved it. Her personality is defiantly a little sassy! Here are some things I love about Kahlan and who she is right now!

- She know what she likes and wants! There is no uncertainty with Kahlan and I love her for that!
- She loves to do anything with me. It doesn't matter if it's laundry or a movie if it's spending time with mom she is happy!
- She is a doer! The one sentence I hear from her everyday is, "Can we go somewhere?" That makes her a girl after my own heart!!
- She is nurturing! I know it's a girl thing, but I love to watch her mother her little brother.

Here are somethings Kahlan has done this year!

She turned FIVE!!! Skating Rink Party!!!

1st day of Preschool!!!

Loves to have fun!!!
Dress as your favorite book Character at school
She picked Cinderella!!

The first night of our 1st annual mother
daughter weekend!!
Kahlan's preschool teacher, Mrs. Perry!

Kahlan's first dance recital!
She danced to,"You are my sunshine"


Connor is my six year old bundle of energy! He is finishing up 1st grade and has done great. This year connor has taken Karate, and played soccer. Soccer seems to be a great fit for him because he gets to run non-stop. Connor's first school play was this year (There was an old woman who swallowed a chick), connor was a chick! I am amazed by how much he knows already, he is a great reader and seems to have a real love for books, which makes me so happy. There are just so many things I love about this kid let me name a few.
- He is still so loving! You think as your boys get older they will stop loving on you, but not him. He still loves to get up in my lap and get a hug.
- He is excited about life and shows it! The best thing about connor seeing something new or getting to do something special is his face. Pure joy, and I hope he never loses that.
- He is caring. Connor doesn't like for people to feel left out. He really has a gentle soul.
- He gives everything his all. There is no halfway with connor (something I think he gets from me).

Let's do a highlight real of some of the things connor has had going on.

Connor had a picture in artbreak 2009!
Naturally silly!
70's day at school!!
Mardi Gras float for his school parade
made by him & his daddy!!

Connor made Honor Roll!!

Connor graduated to a new belt in karate!

He loves soccer!!!
Connor's 1st grade teacher Mrs. Kinney!

Connor as a chick in his 1st school play!!

Connor turned SIX!! Skating Rink Party!!