Sunday, September 28, 2008

A fun weekend with papaw and mamaw!

We went to my dads this weekend and we had a great time. The kids did lots of fun stuff with papaw and mamaw so I thought I would share some.

Papaw took Kahlan and connor for a ride on the 4 wheeler, which they loved.

Mamaw let them help her plant some flowers.

We had craft time, and they decorated these fun hats!

After all this you should not find it surprising that connor wanted to know why we were not staying another night. It was a good time for all, but I am sure mamaw and papaw were glad to get there quiet house back.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I know I have been absent from the blogging world for awhile, but I am still alive! My children have all had accomplishment as of late so I thought I would update.

Connor has started school, and is loving it. He did get a note sent home in the first week saying he talked to much, but after we spoke with him the teacher says he has been doing better. The teacher is concerned that he is almost a full year younger than everyone in the class, and therefore his fine motor skills are not quite up to par. We are hoping if we work with him he will be able to catch up.

Kahlan has loved having me almost all to her self. Having connor at school has given us alot more one on one time. She has a pageant coming up at the end of Sep. I think I am going to have her do it. She loves wearing her princess dresses as she calls them. Her new thing lately has been, "I'm sorry momma" to everything. It doesn't matter if there is nothing to say your sorry for she is still sorry! I guess it could be worse right?

Cole has turned 7 months old, and is sitting well now, holding his own bottle and on Sep. 6th his first tooth came in. He still hates being on his belly, but I am trying to make him happier with belly time. His therapist and I are focusing on getting him up on his knees, but he is a lazy little thing. He still has a very layed back personality, and I love him for it!

We all went on our first camping trip of the year last weekend and we had a blast. We go to our time share outside of Tyler. The kids had a blast with swimming, movies, playgrounds, archery, fishing, games of all kinds, and the weather was great.
Well that's about it from the Johnson clan hope all is well with my blogger friends! Write soon!